E.V. Darcy

E.V. Darcy is not my real name, but as taught High School when I began my writing career, and those pesky kids have a way of finding things, I thought better safe than sorry! 

I live in the north of England with my husband and rather large -- and very spoilt -- dog, Jabba, who we rescued in 2015.

In 2009 I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Imaginative Writing from Liverpool John Moores University. I then went on to teach high school maths - go figure!

When I'm not writing you can find me procrastinating by binge watching my favourite T.V. shows, crocheting something, cross stitching, playing computer games, or walking my much loved dog, who you will find is my baby!

Why Romance?

I love writing romance, I have done ever since I understood what a love story was, and I gobbled down romance novels in my teen years as if they were going out of fashion. One of my high school English teachers once told me that I'd never be an author as I didn't read anything other than romance (she didn't count romance authors as 'real' authors), but luckily, a year later my new English teacher told me I could write whatever I wanted as long as it made me happy. I have loved him for that sound advice ever since. Even if it took me some twenty-odd years to build up the courage to actually do it!

In today's world, I feel that romance is the best genre to write in. With the pressures we face in society, with social media telling us we need 'likes' to be relevant, and the news that rarely seems to be cheerful, romance gives us hope. It allows us to have that happily ever after and remind ourselves that out there, in the cold harsh world, love stories are happening everywhere. A good romance novel helps you remember why you fell in love with your partner or why you have hope in the future.

And on the subject of ‘likes’ and ‘favourites’ and ‘five star reviews needed’, I just want to say, my writing isn’t for everyone. I love drama. I grew up watching Dynasty and other dramatic shows, were emotions run high, scandal is always entertaining, and revenge is a dish best served— Well, any way you like, really, as long as there’s heapings of it, with enough for seconds!

But at the same time my favourite romance author is Austen herself. Oh, I dream of one day writing my own Emma or Pride and Prejudice level work. But for now the drama fueled romance is what I will enjoy dabbling within.

So browse my wares and read vivid fantasies of hot movie stars, swoon when prince charmings rescue their damsels, and fawn over rich businessmen getting their comeuppance from feisty women. But most of all, if anything, love with all you heart, in any way, shape, or form!